The University experience. Was it for me? Is it for you?
Cassandra Brown – VET Alumni, , Daniela Feldman – VET Alumni
This episode explores the experience of Cassandra Brown and Daniela Feldman, who both experienced University and Vocational education and Training. They both have an amazing story to tell about the decisions they made along the way, the people they engaged with, and how Vocational Education has delivered success for them- either in their work space, personal life or both. We finish up with some insights and advice from Cassandra and Daniela for people who are considering their study pathway, parents, career advisers.
The Journeys to Success Podcast Series is an initiative of The Australian Government and features panelists from the Australian VET Alumni and leading industry representatives.
The Australian VET Alumni Program is a national community of Vocational Education & Training (VET) graduates, registered training organisations (RTOs), VET practitioners and businesses dedicated to sharing their VET journey with Australians to encourage greater participation in VET. For more information visit the National Careers Institute website