National Skills Week was founded on four key areas of focus, notably to dispel the negative perceptions that surround vocational education and training (VET), highlight its diversity, the career pathways, and the success stories that emanate from VET, plus bring focus to emerging skills needs, and industry trends

2025 Theme: Explore ALL the options

The theme is to inspire people to look at ALL the options when deciding what they choose to study and their career.

The opportunities and choice in regional, remote and throughout towns in Australia for skills training- be it apprenticeships, full qualifications, microcredentials, qualifications whilst still at secondary school, pathways to higher education or from higher education as well as short accredited courses- it is all available. There is a fantastic diversity of options available to all- school based, school leavers, mature aged, people returning to work or reskilling- whatever stage of life you are at!

It is about recognising the amazing work being undertaken by the tertiary education sector across VET and Higher education to develop pathways  and courses to present the best of skills and training , as well as a prompt to parents to encourage their child to explore more than the traditional options only when considering possible pathways to their career .

The theme also encourages  employers to consider their employment practices and explore expanding their requirements to incorporate VET qualifications and training- if they have not done so already. Plus it provides employers an opportunity  to shout out their stories and success in incorporating VET into their organisation

Join us in a week-long extravaganza of showcasing, discovery, and stories.

Check out our social media resources here. including logos, theme visuals and key messages

#letsexplore #VETforthefuture #skills #NSWk #pathwaytosuccess #realskillsforrealcareers #ExploreALLtheoptions



Previous Years Theme

2024 Theme

2024 Theme

VET- It’s a Gamechanger

Discover how choosing Vocational Education and Skills Training can be the ultimate game changer in your career and life- igniting paths to personal and professional success, giving you the  competitive edge with skills and confidence to thrive.

Whether you’re at high school, leaving school, looking to upskill or even switch gears and pursue a new passion, vocational training allows you to take control of your future, delivering practical, real-world skills that you can apply immediately in the workplace, ensuring you’re job-ready from day one with the capacity to stay ahead in an ever-evolving economy.

Join us for National Skills Week and discover how Vocational Education can be the ultimate game changer in your career and life as well as the game-changing impact of skills on Australia’s future and on our economy

Check out our social media resources here. including logos, theme visuals and key messages

#letsexplore #VETforthefuture #skills #NSWk #pathwaytosuccess #realskillsforrealcareers #gamechanger

2023 Theme

2023 Theme

What are you looking for?  is the theme for National Skills Week 2023.  The focus is on matching what people are looking for in a career and their life to skills training through Vocational Education.  Also inviting employers and industry to join in the conversation with what they are looking for their team and the role that VET has in this space.

To showcase that whatever you are looking for- starting out, changing careers, upskilling- can be achieved through Vocational Education and Training (VET) .

Watch the 2023  video to our Theme :

2022 Theme

2022 Theme

In 2022. the theme for National Skills Week is A Universe of Skills: Go Beyond Your Imagination. We are asking people to re-imagine possibilities for careers, opportunities and emerging industries. Discover careers, pathways and opportunities in skills and Vocational Education that you may not know about, thought about or even imagined. Careers in emerging industries and areas, new technology, future skills and jobs. This years theme prompts people to question:

  • Did you ever imagine a career where…
  • Could you possibly imagine a job which…
  • What do you imagine for your future…

Check out our theme launch video 

2021 Theme

2021 Theme

The focus is on changing and challenging the perceptions of what is on offer in Vocational Education and training. To challenge people to rethink what they know or don’t know about VET. Or to challenge their own thinking and reassess the value.
With Qualifications from pre apprenticeship through to Graduate certificates and Advanced diplomas – from Trades, Information technology, aviation, robotics, engineering, nursing, building, horticulture, land management, manufacturing, transport and logistics, business, management, sports and recreation, community services, health, retail, tourism, hospitality,
and technology- VET is best placed to start, build or retrain in a career.

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