25th-31st August 2025

25th-31st August 2025

Now moving into its fifteenth year, National Skills Week will again set out to bring to life the positive messages, highlighting the talents, the skills, the career pathways and the value of apprentices and trainees across Australia to the wider public and employers. The week is dedicated to raising the status of skills and vocational learning.

Past years achieved much, with unparalleled media coverage accompanied by the practical inclusions of over 500 known events taking place across the country delivering engaging and inspirational messages, promoting the VET sector generally.

National Skills Week is an initiative of SkillsOne, who will once again be driving the initiative working with government and stakeholders to achieve unique and beneficial outcomes, accompanied and supported by unprecedented media coverage.

We want you to play a part, practically organising, showcasing activities and events during the week (August 25-31). There are many ways you can be involved. Each year there is a new theme that you can design your activities and messaging about with resources available to help you. Also check out the resources page  

If you would like to learn more about National Skills Week, please email info@nationalskillsweek.com.au  or phone  Anne on 0438 808 848.

Get Involved

The Vision

To raise the status of skills and vocational learning, enabling all Australians to gain a greater understanding of the opportunities, their potential, and how they can contribute to a successful, modern economy.

The Mission

To articulate and advocate – ” the diversity,  strength and need for on hands-on  practical learning, delivering real-world experience  that prepares people for the future”

To showcase examples of the many pathways to success and to dispel some of the out-dated myths often associated with skills and  vocational training.

SkillsOne has been the active participant driving the working relationship and partnership with stakeholders to assist the Australian Government in meeting the unique challenges to address national skill and labour demands and provide opportunity for Australians young and old, to benefit from a growth economy.

SkillsOne is dedicated to embracing and reflecting the diversity, quality and opportunities within the skills community. It is reputable, contemporary and proven as a respected resource for career advisors, parents and students. The primary aim has been to create a skills community. Inherently, online content includes the key elements of lifestyle, career opportunities, positive attitudes and job satisfaction reflected through individuals sharing their experiences, skills, stories and wisdom.

SkillsOne.com.au provides a rich tapestry of information about trades and skills 24/7. The site features all stories appearing on SkillsOne TV and is continually updated with new video stories and industry snapshots.

Meet the SkillsOne Team

Meet the members of our Advisory Committee for 2024






What is National Skills Week?

National Skills Week is an initiative, a collaboration of activities and events aimed at raising the status of trades, skills and Vocational Education and Training. For a more detailed description, check out our About National Skills Week page.

When is National Skills Week?

National Skills Week 2025 will take place from the 25-31 August  2025

Where is National Skills Week happening?

National Skills Week events and activities will be taking place all over the country. For a detailed listing of the events and activities that are happening, and where they are taking place, head to our Events Listing page. Can’t find anything in your area? Why not coordinate an activity yourself! Check out the Get Involved page for further information.

Who is behind National Skills Week?

National Skills Week is an initiative of SkillsOne Television and is supported by Australian, State and Territory Governments. SkillsOne has been the active participant driving the working relationship and partnership with stakeholders to assist the Australian Government in meeting the unique challenges to address national skill and labour demands and provide opportunity for Australians young and old, to benefit from a growth economy. For more information on our sponsors and supporters, and how you can become a sponsor, head to our Support page.

Why do we need a National Skills Week?

Australia continues to experience an increase in demand for skilled labour, which requires increased workforce participation, increased skill attainment and the employment of attraction and retention strategies. A large part of addressing this issue is providing ample education and information about the career and training possibilities and opportunities that are available to all Australians. National Skills Week aims to raise the awareness of the diversity of training and career opportunities available, pathways into training and education, and the importance of trades, skills and VET to today’s society. For further information on the aims and objectives of National Skills Week, check out our Mission Statement.

Why should I get involved?

National Skills Week is a fantastic opportunity to promote your business or organisation and the contribution you make to the skills, trades and VET sector. Your involvement can be tailored to suit your aims and objectives, and it is entirely up to you how big or small you would like your event or activity to be.

Media Coverage

The event will also provide opportunities for extra publicity and media coverage, as well as providing insight and information to those interested in entering the industry or looking to further their education. Last year the editorial media coverage of National Skills Week was valued at over $28.5 million that included News Corp’s metro and community papers and in addition other media outlets such as radio, ABC, Sky News, SkillsOne Television, national print media and an ever increasing number of social media platforms.

What sorts of events or activities could I organise?

Involvement is flexible and can be tailored to meet your needs and resources. It can be a chance for you to get creative, or to integrate an activity or program that you already run in to the week to gather extra publicity and coverage. For further inspiration and pointers on getting involved click here.

How do I register an event?

It’s simple, just fill out a registration form on our Register Your Event page. All events will be collated into a central database and also listed online on our Events page. Once you’ve completed the initial registration form, you’ll be emailed with further information on keeping your event up to date.

Where can I find out more about trades, skills and apprenticeships?

A great first stop is the National Careers Institute website.

There are many places you can go to find out information on trades, skills and apprenticeships. The SkillsOne website is a great resource for videos and information on career and training opportunities, industry and job profiles, the latest news and information on the industry and more. As well as this we have compiled a list of Useful Links for all things trades, skills and apprenticeships.

Still have questions?  Head over to our Contact Us page and give us a call – or send an email.

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