Who we are

We are one of ten Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs), which have been established by the Federal Government to address skills shortages and training structures in different sectors. We will work across the energy sector, focusing on electricity, renewables and gas.

A stronger, more strategic voice

We have been established to provide the industry with a stronger, more strategic voice in ensuring Australia’s VET sector delivers stronger outcomes for learners and employers.

We will:

  • Provide evidence-based workforce capability and skills planning that support a transitioning energy sector
  • Support all industry stakeholders with information, data, thought leadership and practical support
  • Set or improve training frameworks for all new and existing employees working in the sector.
  • Develop new training materials to help guide trainers in benchmarks and assessments.
  • Use a train-the-trainers model to support a smooth transition development to implementation in the workplace.




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