A number of Vocational Education and Training providers and Industry professionals will take part in the national launch of National Skills Week at Queen Victoria Night Markets on August 24, sharing their career journeys and showcasing a number of interactive skills displays. The stimulating event will kick off the weeklong celebrations running from August 29 – September 4, a time to put focus on Vocational Education, and the important role it plays in enhancing Australia’s workforce and strengthening the nation’s economy.
“We encourage all people, young and mature, to join in on the engaging activities happening at the markets. It is a chance for everyone involved to widen their understanding of VET, and discover a secret skill, passion or talent,” General Manager at SkillsOne Kirstin Casey said.
The wide variety of interactive skills and trades displays featured at the Queen Victoria Markets will be unique and inspiring, encouraging people to explore their interests and widen their understanding on career options in the Industry, and how they can secure flexible study options through VET.
Kangan Institute and Bendigo TAFE will showcase an automotive demo, while Box Hill will encourage people to find their inner pilot and interact with a near to real life aviation cockpit. WorldSkills will provide bricklaying and floristry demonstrations. For those who have a sweet tooth, The Gordon will take the crowd through the steps of making their own Industry-standard candy. Learning how to tie boat knots is also a handy skill with all the intricate turns and twists to be demonstrated by Federation Training. All of these interactive stalls and many more can be found throughout the public sector and stage area of the markets.
AIM, the leading music training provider and home to talented singers and musicians will perform live on stage, and The Gordon will deliver live fashion and special effects demonstrations. The interactive displays will enlighten people on a handful of new skills and trades they can build a career in by taking up VET. Too often VET is seen as a secondary study option, but there are many reasons why it should, and needs, to become more of a first choice.
“National Skills Week will encourage the Industry, the public and the workforce to unite for a common cause, which is to look at the most appropriate ways to improve the skilling of professionals across different jobs, and fill gaps in skills shortages affecting a number of sectors,” Kirstin Casey said.
Australian Training Award’s Alumni Elliot Grayling and Melinda Lethbridge will be making special appearances at the national launch, shedding light on the many benefits of VET and encouraging more people to consider taking up an Australian Apprenticeship.
2015 Australian Training Award’s Australian School-based Apprentice of the Year Finalist Elliot Grayling was only 14 years old when he started an Australian Apprenticeship and took up a Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician. Elliot says that his study experience with VET broadened his scope on the many fields inherent in the energy sector, allowed him to study a double degree, and provided him with invaluable hands-on training that he will use to start his own engineering company.
“National Skills Week is an exciting week to foster debate on some of the problems facing the Industry, and look towards solutions through VET that will strengthen the workforce, the Industry, and the economy,” Kirstin Casey said.
For further information on Elliot’s story or that of other Australian Training Awards Alumni and Australian Apprenticeships Ambassadors visit https://www.australiantrainingawards.gov.au and https://www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au/australian-apprenticeships-ambassadors-program.
Join us during National Skills Week and celebrate the many skills and trades that make up the nation. Organise an event, or take part in the many events that can be found on the National Skills Week website: https://www.nationalskillsweek.com.au/get-involved/events/.