July 20th, 2017

Celebrated in June, were two internationally recognised events, World Public Service Day and International Yoga Day, with both days giving the limelight to careers with core values of service and community engagement. World Public Service Day celebrated on 23 June, globally acknowledged the significance of public service to the community, the contribution of public service to the economy’s development and recognised the work of public servants worldwide.

Both celebrated days have common themes of community connection, improving wellbeing and providing community led employment outcomes. It is national events such as these, that provides an opportunity for Australians to think about careers that give back to community in the lead up to National Skills Week, Australia’s primary week for celebrating vocational education and training (VET).

Careers with a focus on engaging and giving back to community, improving nationwide wellness and following your passion, will lead you to an industry you love” says Kirstin Casey, General Manager at SkillsOne.

Public service and community led careers can include health and community care, fitness, transport and logistics and council workers amongst many others industries.  Vocational education and training provides a variety of different opportunities and pathways to these careers and many others.

Aimee Williams 2014 Australian Training Awards’ runner-up Vocational Student of the Year, followed her passion into a community led and service focused career. Aimee enrolled in a Certificate III in Fitness at Charles Darwin University after being inspired by her year 11 physical education teacher to pursue studies in fitness. Since graduating, Aimee has continued to upskill, completing qualifications including a Certificate IV in Fitness and a Certificate IV in Massage Therapy.

Aimee previously worked in the health and fitness sector for over three years and ran her own personal training business. She was also a youth development officer coordinating sport and recreation activities for cadets through the Australian Naval Cadets. Aimee currently works for the Northern Territory Government and is continuing her studies in procurement and contracting.

 “Before enrolling into a VET qualification I felt I was always wanting opportunities to develop my knowledge and understanding of my work. Entering into the fitness industry through a VET qualification gave me the confidence, understanding and ability to work in such an amazing and broad industry,” said Aimee.  

Aimee also gave back a lot of her spare time to her community by providing training and support to others with an interest in fitness and wellbeing and worked with an organisation to deliver sport and recreational activities for intellectually and physically disabled youth and adults.

 “I was lucky enough to find an amazing organisation, Total Recreation, who provide opportunities for people with a disability to be active in the community through sport and recreation. Giving back to your community is one of the most important and rewarding things you can do,” said Aimee.

For further information on Aimee’s story, or other inspiring career stories from the Australian Training Awards visit the Australian Training Awards website.

SkillsOne will be showcasing VET qualifications during National Skills Week from August 28 to 3 September 2017. The week will see Australia celebrate the endless opportunities available through VET. To organise an event, or take part on the many events that can be found, visit the National Skills Week website.

For more information please contact: Kirstin Casey (General Manager at SkillsOne)

Mobile: 0420 652 558 Email: kirstin.casey@skillsone.com.au


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