August 22nd, 2024

Working in a regional and remote area can have amazing advantages for somebody. It could be for somebody to remain in the regional or remote area where they have always lived or in a lot of cases people making the decision to move their life from a metropolitan area and to commence training and all a career in a regional area. There are a lot of reports and promotions to encourage people to move into regional areas and it could be about lifestyle Work community family or a whole range of other opportunities or requirements that people want.
This episode explores the opportunities that could be available in the regional areas that are available in regional areas in the construction area but provides a broader discussion plus we speak with two people who currently work in regional areas and how they made that decision and whether it was a good decision.
So, whether you’re seeking a fresh start, new career opportunities, or a closer connection to nature and community, the regions offer a world of possibilities.

According to the Regional Australia Institute (RAI), city dwellers are continuing to flock to the regions, many in search of more affordable housing. This is putting further pressure on areas where there is already a strong demand for skilled workers. In fact, one-in-five people are considering a sea-change or tree-change. More than two-thirds of those who were considering moving were ready to do so within a year! As they say Regional Australia is home to thousands of rewarding and diverse jobs.


The Panel:

Christina Morrissey- Facilitator

Simon Nashed- Brick and Block Industry Engagement officer

Bradley Maynard- VET Ambassador Hobart, Tasmania

Sophie Orrock- VET Ambassador , SA Bordertown


Watch the webinar below, or watch on YouTube here


Thank you to Brick and Block for their expert panelist.









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