August 19th, 2021

Australia’s manufacturing sector to be reignited as a result of Covid-19
IBSA Group announced as supporter of National Skills Week 2021

19 August 2021 – Workforce skills program developers, Innovation and Business
Skills Australia (IBSA) Group says the Covid-19 pandemic has presented a
tremendous opportunity to kick-start Australia’s manufacturing sector.
Trade disruptions due to Covid-19 has forced more companies to move to onshore
their supply chains and the closure of borders has halted skilled migration, with
lasting impacts likely for years to come.
IBSA Group CEO Sharon Robertson said many more job opportunities as well as
skills-based apprenticeships are likely to be created due to more companies
manufacturing in Australia rather than abroad.
“Governments are also committed to substantial funding to re-skill our workforce in
response to these challenges which is incredibly encouraging and exciting for
Australia’s manufacturing and related industries,” she said.
“Now is the time for all of us invested in skills training in Australia to be bold and
determined, to propose and, most importantly, get stuck into implementing practical
solutions that will deliver relevant, dynamic training programs that meet the skills
needs of current and emerging employers and industries.


Read the full media release    media Release_Australia’s manufacturing sector to be reignited as a result of Covid-19_19082021

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