August 28th – September 3rd, 2017
Vocational Education and Training (VET) offers a wide variety of qualifications, opening up an array of extensive career opportunities and pathways for young Australian’s.
We need to encourage more students to consider VET pathways and the best way to do so is by showcasing the many benefits of how learning a skill or trade can kick-start their careers.
This is where National Skills Week comes in…
The week aims to raise the status of practical and vocational learning and promotes the idea that learning by doing is as important as academic learning.
This years’ theme More Than You Know, focuses on shifting pre-conceived ideas and raising the status of VET.
It is often assumed that VET careers are secondary to university qualifications, however they can in fact be more fulfilling, offer higher salaries and be more highly regarded by many industry professionals. The VET sector provides Australian’s with the opportunity to develop their careers through apprenticeships and traineeships, grow a skilled workforce and combat sectors where Australia is experiencing skill shortages.
Your school, TAFE, Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Industry Association, small business, company or charity can hold an event during the week to showcase vocational qualifications, highlight career opportunities, engage the public and stimulate career conversation.
Over the past 5 years, there have been many creative, daring, engaging examples of events, including:
- Flash Mobs
- Industry demonstrations in shopping malls
- School trips to small enterprises
- Skills ambassadors speaking at schools
- Collaborative events with community partners like Rotary, open days at TAFEs, and RTOs
- Organised student visits to Industry and RTOs
- Father daughter dinners to explore women in non-traditional trades
- Involvement with local parliamentarians
- Using social media to publicise National Skills Week
- Students building things to demonstrate their skills to highlight an industry
- A cubby house was donated to a child care facility to draw attention to Child Care Careers
The list is endless, so put on your creative cap and begin organizing today! There is no such thing as an event too big or too small.
We can assist with encouraging media involvement (radio, print media, social media, etc.). You can also find many useful tips on how to host, promote and celebrate your event through our informative ‘Media Kit’ on our website. If you are running a public event, register it on the National Skills Week website and let us help you get the word out!
CLICK HERE for event registrations.
Any ideas or enquiries are welcome – 02 8080 0111 or email