A National Skills Week event
12pm – 1pm (AEST) Monday 23 August 2021

Our Mining, Human Services and Digital Skills Organisation Pilots have been at the forefront of Australia’s response to the nation’s changing workforce needs, working with their industries to rethink skills needs and find innovative solutions to meet the current, emerging, and future workforce needs of our nation. 12 months on from their first Workforce of the Future live streamed webinar, members of the Skills Organisation Pilots will come together again to share their insights and discuss the projects they are leading to respond to the skills and training needs of their industries. Join all three Skills Organisations Chief Executive Officers
- Patrick Kidd OBE OAM – Chief Executive Officer, Digital Skills Organisation Pilot
- Jodi Schmidt – Chief Executive Officer, Human Services Skills Organisation Pilot
- Gavin Lind – Interim Chief Executive Officer, Mining Skills Organisation Pilot
for this special one-hour livestreamed event to find out how the Skills Organisation Pilots are strengthening Australia’s VET system and preparing our workforce for the jobs of tomorrow.
For details: https://www.dese.gov.au/workforce-future-rethinking-skills-jobs-tomorrow
Register via Event Brite