Event Date: August 24th, 2021
As part of National Skills Week, VU Polytechnic is offering an Introduction to Design Thinking workshop. It aims to challenge the way we think about education by presenting the theory and concepts of design thinking.
This workshop is Part 1 of our Breaking Barriers with Technology series and forms the foundation for Part 2, a practical workshop focused on using social robots to teach design thinking mentality and transferrable skills. The combination of theory and hands-on delivery will compliment your learning.
Register your interest: https://engage.vu.edu.au/pub/pubType/EO/pubID/zzzz6119f46a9bf50362/interface.html
Join the Zoom link: https://victoriauniversity.zoom.us/j/82714648695?pwd=MzRSeHlSSXYxZndPRURpbkhoV2pUUT09