Event Date: August 25th, 2019
Join us for the official state launch of National Skills Week 2019, in Victoria.
The afternoon’s festivities will be officially launched by Mr Simon Hollingsworth- Deputy Secretary- Higher Education and Skills Group , Victorian Department of Education and Training, and will be a celebration of the diversity and talent that can be found in Vocational Education and Training (VET).
The event will include beverages and canapes, and will showcase the outstanding work of VET students in the trades and skills sector.
The launch will be held at Box Hill Institute. It coincides with the end of one of the 2019 Worldskills East Melbourne Regional Competitions which draws competitors from Chisholm, Holmesglen, Melbourne Polytechnic, Swinburne, and Box Hill Institutes .
Come early cheer on the competitors at 1 or all of the 12 competitions being held, and show your support for Vocational Training and the incredible skills that will be on display at this competition.
Entry To the launch is by ticket only.
To register for tickets please click here.
For further Information contact Anne Cazar on 0438 808 848 or anne.cazar@skillsone.com.au