Event Date: August 26th, 2019
This event is aimed at showcasing the skills of our current VET cohort. Run over 3 days there will be 3 different activities run, targeted at highlighting the careers available through VET as well as showcasing the skills the current VET cohort have.
On Monday there will be a Mini Olympics delivered to the children of Good Start, Early Learning, Glendale. This will be hosted by the GTHS Sport Coaching students and will be organised entirely by the students. The event will also be catered by the Hospitality students and run from 10.10am – 11am.
Tuesday allows the students to hear from various individuals talking about their career pathways, providing insight into successful career pathways that were created through vocational education. The guest speakers will come from a range of different industries from nursing to engineering and more. Year 10 students will cater at the conclusion of the event for the community members.
Year 11 will be on work placement during this week and teachers will visit the students on the Wednesday. The students will be out learning different skills and gaining experience in all different industries. Learning about the career options available to them.
For further information including specific dates, times and to be involved please contact:
Cassie Wells: cassandra.wells12@det.nsw.edu.au