Event Date: August 19th, 2024

RIST, Rural Industries Skills Training will be shining the spotlight on current students during National Skills Week!

RIST is an Agricultural College With A Difference

Australian agriculture is an industry worth more than $155 billion to the national economy and contributes an average of 12% to gross domestic product. It is also an industry on the move; growing at 2.8% annually and leading Australia’s productivity push. As the sector grows, the need for high-quality, industry-led, innovative training of its future workforce is imperative.

For 30 years, Rural Industries Skill Training has been recognised as one of Australia’s leading independent agricultural colleges delivering vocational education and training. Since its establishment in 1992, RIST has graduated 18,200 students and delivered more than 3 million hours of training.

Stay tuned to their social media, as they run a social media campaign across National Skills Week.

Featuring student profiles and showcasing their support of seeing students thrive when studying Agriculture and Wool programs.

To follow the great stories and support the students find them here:



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