Event Date: August 27th, 2020

Event Location: north adelaide

For National Skills Week, and to support our students, NASSSA, in collaboration with their RTOs and trainers are offering ‘open classes’ to Alliance students. This will occur right across the week. With over 50 events and programs planned within the schools and in conjunction with TAFESA and industry there is a a wealth of information for students to get inspired and to ignite their career.

The highly successful pilot program in 2019 has led to bigger and better opportunities for our prospective students in 2020. Opportunities range from full day excursions into industry, full day immersion into training eg preparing, cooking and serving a meal, right through to walk-throughs and demo-sessions.

In most cases current students will be demonstrating what they do at their VET course and supporting visitors to understand what doing the particular course involves. This includes practical and theory tasks, assessments and placements.

We look forward to a highly successful week, encouraging our NASSSA Vocational students of the future.
The program for activities is at http://nasssa.com.au/uploads/documents/NASSSAs-Orchestra-of-Ideas-for-National-Skills-Week-2020.pdf

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