Event Date: August 16th, 2022 (10:00 AM AWST - 11:30 AM AWST)

Event Location: Online: The webinar online link will be provided to registrants on the morning of the seminar.

A free 90-minute workshop to drive a national conversation about reforming clean energy education and training curricula.

About this event
As the energy sector undergoes rapid transition, so too must the education and training programs that support this growing workforce.

Building on the foundational work covered in the 2021 “Vocational skills gap assessment and workforce development plan”, the Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre has once again partnered with South Metropolitan TAFE to raise the profile of this pressing policy issue. Energy experts Wood Mackenzie will also join the discussion that will highlight the many employment opportunities offered by the battery and electric vehicle industries and also address the challenges associated with the transition.

We invite you to take part in this free 90-minute workshop and contribute to driving a national conversation about reforming clean energy education and training curricula.

For further information click here.

*The webinar online link will be provided to registrants on the morning of the seminar.

Learn More
Online: The webinar online link will be provided to registrants on the morning of the seminar.

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