Event Date: August 19th, 2024
Event Location: 881 Whitton Darlington Point Rd, Whitton NSW, Australia
Calling all local students with an interest in Agriculture!
9:30am: SOUTHERN COTTON (881 Darlington Point-Whitton Rd, Whitton)
Southern Cotton provides best practice cotton ginning services to growers in the Southern Valleys. Their mission is to gin cotton at the highest quality, in the most efficient and sustainable manner, to secure the maximum price for local growers and finest quality for the end user.
11:00am: AQUNA MURRAY COD (1360 Whitton Rd, Whitton)
An exciting opportunity to tour one of the pioneering Aquna sites!
Aquna produce premium, pond-grown Murray cod. Aquna have shaped a future for Australia’s native fish, which has an extraordinary history. Every day is different at Aquna — offering interesting opportunities, career pathways and learning experiences.
Grow Our Own (GOO) is an industry led alliance of business, industry, education, and government agencies who seek to inform and inspire young people to live,
work and learn in the Riverina.
These tours have been created with the intention to introduce high school students to some of the career opportunities that await them in later years. Our
committee is proud to offer this as a FREE school resource to the high schools of the Riverina.