Event Date: August 26th, 2021
Event Location: https://www.facebook.com/events/363465035353099/
Is your child looking for something different at school or beyond? There are lots of vocational education and training opportunities for young people that they can combine with their school studies, that can lead to careers, further training, work and university, including things like school based apprenticeships in everything from agriculture to IT. They offer young people something different to school and a chance to broaden their horizons. This webinar offers practical advice to parents and carers on not just how to find out what’s available, but also how you can create opportunities and secure a life changing experience with your child using the magic of parent power!
The webinar will be on Facebook @7.30pm AEST Thursday 26 Aug, you can sign up to the event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/363465035353099/