Event Date: October 16th, 2018
2018 National Industry Skills Forums
Are you ready for the new digital age? What skills will our workforce of the future need? With projections that 375 million jobs (14% of the global workforce) will be automated by 2030, our industries need to come together to tackle these big issues.
Hosted by prominent journalist and author Kerry O’Brien, Australian Industry Standards is holding a series of Industry Skills Forums around the country to explore current and future skills needs. The forums will feature industry leaders in a Q&A panel discussion about future skilling in an age of digital transformation and new thinking about jobs and careers.
With the impact of automation, big data and new technologies being felt right across the workforce, we need to ensure our workforce is ready for the challenges ahead. This is your chance to directly shape the workforce skills and priorities for your industry.
In the industry-specific breakout sessions you will discuss and debate the challenges and possible solutions to skill shortages.
For more information and to register for the event, click on the below link: