As part of our series of what is happening around the States Recovery 2020: New South Wales Recovery Plan
Rather than just repairing our economy, now is the time to ensure that NSW is rebuilt to be even more resilient and self-sufficient.
Minister for Skills and Tertiary Education Geoff Lee said “We have to inspire all students to consider VET as an alternative career pathway, including about 50% of high school graduates who do not pursue a university pathway,” Mr Lee said.
“Skills training is vital to propelling our state forward, particularly following the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
He also said “COVID-19 has presented an unprecedented challenge … There has never been a more important time to drive the economy forward, create jobs and support school leavers.”
Infrastructure pipeline – an area of demonstrated global leadership
The NSW Government is committing to a guaranteed $100 billion infrastructure pipeline over four years to drive employment growth and help create 88,000 direct jobs. This includes a $3 billion accelerator fund. Overall, the NSW Government’s record infrastructure investment will bring many economic benefits, including job creation and a 0.5 percentage point p.a. contribution to economic growth over the next two years.
Planning and precincts
Growing world-leading industries Our Planning System Acceleration Program brings forward immediate reforms to support productivity, investment and jobs during COVID-19 with a Delivery Unit focused on unblocking programs caught up in the system. So far, 49 projects have been approved, including the Snowy 2.0 Main Works, Mt Druitt CBD amendment, Sydney Fish Market redevelopment and Tweed Valley Hospital Stage 2.
Education and skills
Equipping students for the jobs of the future. A review of TAFE and the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector is also underway. This will help NSW respond to skills shortages in areas such as automotive and engineering, construction and health trades, and to skill workers in the emerging industries of the future. There will be a push for greater industry involvement in co-designing courses with public education providers, modelling successful initiatives in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. By undertaking this review and modernising our TAFE and VET systems, NSW can ensure they remain nationally and internationally competitive, and a desirable option for school leavers.
Advanced manufacturing and local supply chains
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed the importance of a local manufacturing supply chain and highlighted some of the state’s unrealised industry capabilities. All of this investment will help attract top talent to the area, driving economic development and job creation. All of this investment will help attract top talent to the area, driving economic development and job creation.
Backing small regional businesses
The Australian Government has committed more than $4.7 million to provide small regional businesses affected by COVID-19 with access to free and confidential financial counselling. The service will also create jobs for small business financial counsellors and support workers. This measure is designed to ensure that businesses remain resilient and are able to rebound when normal trading conditions resume.
New pathways to help young Australians gain jobs
The Australian Government is committed to helping young Australians gain employment with $10 million dedicated to assist in connecting those looking for work to jobs. The new PaTH Business Placement Partnerships program aims to connect young job seekers to employers with significant workforce needs in growing industries. PaTH Business Placement Partnerships will test the effectiveness of youth employment pathways designed by industry and facilitate access to jobs for young people in those industries.
Images: NSW government
For more of What is Happening during National Skills Week 2020 and to get involved to show your support for Vocational education and Training and strengthening Australia’s economy : National Skills Week Events