February 23rd, 2016


There is a currently a strong demand for skills and trades people across the NSW economy, in particular Western, South Western Sydney and the Central Coast. This demand will only continue to grow in coming years.

We need to get more young people to view skills and trades as a first choice career.

Often parents are an impediment to students considering careers pathways through Vocational Education and Training. There is a need to change the perception among parents, and dispel the myths.

“The single most important influence, from where students are likely to seek advice on a career decision is from parents/family/friends” Australian Defence Force.

In June 2016, SkillsOne will run eight Theatre Showcase events across the West, North and Central Coast, aimed at students in years 8-10, parents and careers advisers. The showcase is an engaging, informative and creative show that combines music, performance, animation, video, ambassador profiling and speeches to promote the outcomes, diversity and pathways available through vocational education.

“This is a new concept, the first of its kind, no one is else is doing it… and it’s working” Brian Wexham, SkillsOne CEO.

The Showcase will promote industry areas of need, pathways and importantly link training to job outcomes.

For an opportunity to promote your Organisation, Institute of Company at the Showcase events, please email kirstin.casey@skillsone.com.au

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