Event Date: August 28th, 2019

3We are hosting a Career Skills Workshop day for the year 9 & 10 students at our school. The day is designed to help prepare students with what they should expect when they start searching for employment and providing them with the skills and knowledge they will need.

The day highlights the career pathways available with vocational education and allows students to understand the many career options that are available to them. There will be guests invited from; job agencies, training providers and local businesses on the day who will be hosting workshops for the students. The workshops will include; Speed Interviewing and Interview Skills, Resume and Job Applications as well as Employer Talks form local businesses and organisations.

On the day invited guests will also talk about the different pathways and options for Vocational Education, discussing alternative pathways, identifying individual interests and discussing career options with each student as well as creating industry links.

For further information or to be involved contact:
Robert Arranz: robert.arranz@det.nsw.edu.au


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